Top 5 Helpful Vitamins Patients with Retinitis Pigmentosa Must Know About

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is a retinal disease without a cure; however, there are already some vitamins that will slow down the damage to your retina caused by RP. Some of these antioxidants have been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years.

1. Vitamin A Palmitate Benefits

Vitamin A palmitate (retinyl palmitate) is a common vitamin supplement, and the best researched vitamin for this disease. Clinical trials have proven that a daily dose of 15,000 IU vitamin A will prolong your vision. The National Eye Institute supports this dosage.

In a large Harvard Medical School Study they concluded that patients who received 15,000 IU/d and a diet rich in w-3 fatty acids (omega-3) slowed the decline in both distance and retinal visual acuities. This study had 600 participants with RP at different levels of visual function. Foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids include salmon, sardines, tuna, walnuts, flax seeds and other types of fish.

To begin taking vitamin A palmitate the first thing to do is consult with your doctor. The doctor can order tests for a fasting blood level of vitamin A and liver enzymes. Eat a healthy balanced diet that does not seek out extra foods that are high in vitamin A, and do not take high-dose vitamin E supplements. Begin the 15,000 IU dosage, but do not take vitamin A in amounts exceeding 25,000 IU/d as this can be toxic on a long term basis. It may cause liver disease.

2. DHA Proven to Slow Decline of Visual Field

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) is a fatty acid that has been found to slow the course of retinal degeneration in retinitis pigmentosa patients when taken with vitamin A. This study completed by the Berman-Gund Laboratory evaluated 208 patients, from 18 to 55 years old.

One group only took vitamin A 15,000 IU/d, while the second group took the vitamin A in combination with DHA at 1200 mg/d. The study concluded that if the patient had been taking vitamin A for two years and added DHA it further slowed the decline of the visual field.</p>

The Neuroscience Center of Excellence at LSU Health Sciences Center in New Orleans reported that DHA plays an important role in protecting the retina cells from several degenerative diseases, which includes retinitis pigmentosa. Patients with RP or Usher syndrome often have low DHA; therefore, taking DHA is helpful in promoting protective cells, and it decreases the production of free radicals.

3. TUDCA Brings New Hope

TUDCA (tauroursodeoxycholic acid) is actually a bear bile acid that has been used over 3,000 years to treat visual disorders in Chinese medicine. There is a 3,000-year-old scroll that mentions treating blindness with this bear acid.

Currently scientists have found promising results in mouse models when treating RP and Bardet-Biedl Syndrome type one. The results are promising, and scientists think that TUNCA holds great potential to treat later-onset and slower progressing retinitis pigmentosa.

Oregon Health & Science University plans to begin a new trial on human beings this year. They will work to determine the exact amount of TUNCA necessary to reach the retina, yet not have side effects.

4. Ginkgo Biloba – an Old Chinese Medicine

Ginkgo biloba extract is an antioxidant that has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is known to improve blood flow to the brain, which increases circulation to the optic nerve. The suggested dose for ginkgo biloba is 120 mg/d, which may restore micro-capillary circulation.

One study gave patients intravenous infusions of Ginkgo biloba, amino acids and muscular injections to treat retinitis pigmentosa. The study improved visual acuity by 87.5 percent.

5. MSM Eye Drops

MSM is a natural food ingredient and is completely safe. It is naturally occurring sulfur in the body also. It is a natural healer due to its ability to cross membrane barriers in the body.

MSM (methylsulfonylmethane) is being used by some RP patients in the form of an eye drop. MSM decreases inflammation, and it increases blood supply. The drops have been known to improve muscle tone, and help repair damaged blood vessels also. However, there are no medical studies that have proven MSM helps cure RP.

There are numerous ongoing clinical studies using vitamins to find a cure for retinitis pigmentosa. When evaluating the current research it appears that vitamin A is always the one vitamin that you can count on for improvement. Vitamin A and DHA in combination seem to be worth trying also. Many of the studies of other vitamins are showing very promising results.